As a part of restorative procedures in dental treatments, dental implants have gained fairly high popularity in the recent past. Dental implants provide a natural-looking, long-lasting, and almost permanent and fixed replacement to teeth that you have lost due to injury or a disease process.

It is a great way to restore your smile, functionality of the oral cavity, and also your self-esteem. It is easy to perform the procedure in which screws made of titanium are fitted in the jaw bone from where the teeth are missing; these screws then hold the crown or a denture to replace the lost teeth in both appearance and function.

While emergencies are rare in dental settings, you might need them in case of injuries to the teeth or jawbones and severe pain that do not go away with pain-relieving medicines. You can contact emergency dentist Cypress TX at Orion Dental Specialities. They have more than 30 years of experience in the field and their emergency specialist will ensure that you receive all the care at the earliest.

Reasons for dental implant failure

Although dental implants are long-lasting, there are certain instances when you will need an emergency replacement of dental implants, which can appear to be a daunting procedure to you, but is a fairly easy one for your dentist.

Implant failures are divided into 2 major classes:

  1. Early failures: It usually occurs within the first few months of surgical placement of dental implants and is caused by the following reasons:
  • Infection and delayed healing due to a patient’s underlying health condition are one of the major reasons for early failure.
  • As a result, there is a lack of a rigid bone formation around the implant making it too loose in the oral cavity.
  • A high level of micromotion of the implant during the healing phase can also prevent its adherence in the jaw bone firmly, which could also result in failures.

Early failures of implants can be easily removed and do not require a visit to the emergency dentist because the implant is already too loose and not fused with the jaw bone. This makes this procedure quite straightforward.

  1. Late failures: If your implant is causing a problem after a year of placement, such a failure is called late failure and can be caused by:
  • The two major causes of late implant failures are excessive force and infection.
  • Peri-implantitis is observed on dental x-rays, which shows bone decay around the rigid implant site and needs the removal of implants on an immediate basis to prevent the spread of infection to the neighboring bone.
  • Too much pressure on the implant is another reason for late failure, which is much easier to treat and replace.

If the bone and implant have adhered together firmly, the removal and replacement of dental implants and might need you to visit an emergency dentist Cypress in Texas to get it removed if the infection is spreading at a fast rate.

Overall dental implant failure is a common procedure dealt with by dental surgeons quite frequently in their practice and is generally simple and does not involve removal of adjoining bone tissue.